نحن المهنية مصنع للتغليف proucts ، مثل قائمة التعبئة المغلف ، فقاعة المغلف ، سحاب فقاعة المغلف ، polymailer ، حقيبة الأمن ، التسمية الخ

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لدينا أكثر من 60000 متر مربع مصنع في جيانغسو في عام 2020 ، نأمل أن يكون لدينا مستقبل جيد مع عملائنا معا.

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سياسة الخصوصية

Legal Notice And Privacy Policy

Prompt Clause

This platform reminds you: please read and understand this statement carefully before using the services of the platform.

Limitation Of Liability

We are responsible for the content of our own uploads within the legal framework; we are not responsible for any statements made by users themselves.

Privacy Policy

We respect the protection of users' personal information. When you use the services provided by the platform, we will collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. This privacy policy contains our terms for the collection, storage, use, sharing and protection of your personal information. We recommend that you read this policy in its entirety to help you understand how to maintain your privacy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us via the contact information published on the platform. If you do not agree to any content of this privacy policy, you shall immediately stop using the platform services. By continuing to use any of the services of the platform, you agree that we will lawfully collect, use, store and share your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Use Of Cookie

To give you an easier access experience, when you visit our platform-related websites or use the services provided by the platform, we may use cookies, flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively " Cookies") to provide you with a personalized user experience and service. Please understand that some of our services can only be implemented by using "cookies".You may modify the acceptance of cookies or refuse cookies if your browser or browser's additional services allow it, but this may affect your secure access to the platform-related websites and the services provided by the platform.

Protection Of Your Personal Information

In order to protect your information security, we strive to take all reasonable security measures to protect your information, in case of information leakage, damage or loss, including but not limited to SSL, information encryption storage, data center access control.We also strictly manage employees or outsourcers who may be exposed to your information, including but not limited to signing confidentiality agreements with them, taking different authority controls depending on the position, and monitoring their operations.

Minor Protection

We attach importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your guardian to carefully read this privacy policy and use our services or provide information to us under the premise of obtaining the consent of your guardian.

مغلفات قائمة التعبئة

وثيقة مغلفة قائمة التعبئة المغلفات سطح أملس المواد القابلة للتحلل

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مستندات مضادة للماء مغلفة ذاتية اللصق مغلفات بلاستيكية طلاء مائي

المستندات ذاتية اللصق المغلفات المغلقة ، مغلفات التغليف المخصصة

النفس ختم بولي بريدية

مخصص مطبوعة الذاتي ختم بولي بريدية الطباعة الجميلة اللون اختياري

من السهل فتح 10x13 مغلفات بولي بريدية بيضاء أكياس الختم الذاتي مع قطاع المسيل للدموع

مقاومة للنفط الذاتي ختم بولي بريدية ISO9001 شهادة اللون الأبيض

متعدد الألوان الذاتي ختم أكياس البوليثين ، أكياس بولي مخصص للشحن

الحقائب التعقيم الطبية

تخصيص الحقائب الطبية التعقيم فليكس الطباعة ختم الحرارة للمختبر

الحقائب ورق التغليف التعقيم ، الحقائب التعقيم الذاتي الختم

الحقائب التعقيم الطبية 105x70MM مع خصائص حاجز البكتيريا ممتازة

مرة واحدة استخدام الحقائب الجافة الحرارة التعقيم ، الحقائب ورقة الصف الطبية

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